Map .

Top Map In Javascript W3Schools 2023

Written by Ben Javu Jan 08, 2023 ยท 4 min read
Top Map In Javascript W3Schools 2023

<code>let myMap = new Map();</code>

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Map in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used in web development. One of its useful features is the Map object, which allows you to store key-value pairs. In this article, we will explore the basics of the Map object in JavaScript and how you can use it in your web development projects.

What is a Map object?

A Map object is a collection of key-value pairs in JavaScript. Unlike objects, which only allow you to use string keys, a Map object can have any type of key, including objects, functions, and primitives. The values in a Map object can also be any type of value.

Creating a Map object

Creating a Map object in JavaScript is simple. You can use the new keyword and the Map constructor function to create a new Map object. Here is an example:

let myMap = new Map();

This creates a new empty Map object.

Adding values to a Map object

You can add values to a Map object using the set() method. The set() method takes two arguments: the key and the value. Here is an example:

myMap.set('name', 'John');

This adds a new key-value pair to the Map object. The key is 'name' and the value is 'John'.

Getting values from a Map object

You can get values from a Map object using the get() method. The get() method takes one argument: the key. Here is an example:


This returns the value associated with the key 'name'.

Checking if a key exists in a Map object

You can check if a key exists in a Map object using the has() method. The has() method takes one argument: the key. Here is an example:


This returns true if the key 'name' exists in the Map object, and false if it does not.

Removing values from a Map object

You can remove values from a Map object using the delete() method. The delete() method takes one argument: the key. Here is an example:


This removes the key-value pair with the key 'name' from the Map object.

Looping through a Map object

You can loop through the key-value pairs in a Map object using the forEach() method. The forEach() method takes a function that is called for each key-value pair in the Map object. Here is an example:

myMap.forEach(function(value, key) {

    console.log(key + ' =' + value);


This logs each key-value pair in the Map object to the console.


In this article, we have explored the basics of the Map object in JavaScript. We have seen how to create a Map object, add and get values, check if a key exists, remove values, and loop through the key-value pairs. The Map object is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of web development projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Map object and an object in JavaScript?

The main difference between a Map object and an object in JavaScript is that a Map object can have any type of key, while an object can only have string keys. Additionally, the Map object has built-in methods for adding, getting, and removing values, while with an object, you need to use bracket notation or dot notation to access its properties.

Can you use a Map object with JSON?

Yes, you can use a Map object with JSON. However, when converting a Map object to JSON, you need to use the JSON.stringify() method and a custom replacer function that converts the Map object to an array of key-value pairs. When converting JSON to a Map object, you need to use the JSON.parse() method and a custom reviver function that converts the array of key-value pairs back to a Map object.
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